Squatty Potty Reviews – Are the Stools a Scam or Worth the Price?
Looking after our bowels is a hot topic nowadays. Eating foods with fiber and drinking lots of water are two topics of interest, but going to the bathroom with healthy bowel movements is also something that is getting a lot of attention lately. Squatty Potty has created a stool that is guaranteed to help you have better bowel movements. But do you really need a foot stool in the bathroom to have better bowel movements? Take a look at this Squatty Potty review and decide for yourself.
What is the Squatty Potty Stool?
Most of us go to the bathroom with our knees at a 90 degree angle to our abdomen as we sit on the toilet. Not coincidentally, constipation is one of the most common bowel issues today because this position can make it hard for us to fully relieve ourselves. The Squatty Potty Stool helps us get out of this unnatural position and into something more effective (a squat) that makes bowel movements easier with a lot less strain.
In reality, it is just a stool that fits nicely around the toilet. It doesn’t have any magical qualities besides the fact that it raises your feet to mimic a squatting position that is used by the majority of the world’s population to have a bowel movement. But, considering that most of us don’t have a toilet that we can naturally squat over, the Squatty Potty Stool makes going to the bathroom effectively much easier.
Click here to learn more about how exactly it works.
About the Company
The family run business was started out of the need to correct bowel movement issues. In their research, they came across a lot of information about the proper posture to have while eliminating your bowels, and they ended up developing that Squatty Potty Stool as a way to unleash their colon and make bowel movements easier. It is a family run business out of Utah in the United States. Currently they are getting a lot of exposure through Shark Tank and other media sources, and it seems as though they are on their way to becoming a successful business that makes going to the bathroom easier and more pleasant.
Click here to learn more about them and their other products.
How Does This Work For Better Bowel Movements?
Raising your legs into a squatting position helps to straighten out the colon and allow the feces to pass through it easier. When you sit with your knees at a 90 degree angle, kinks in the colon can hold back all of the bowel movement which causes you to strain while going to the bathroom, or, not eliminate everything sitting in your bowels.
Difference Between the Stools
There are two different stools available. They are the same size in width and height, but they vary in color, material, and price.
For instance, the ECCO stool is white and made of plastic and will cost you about $25, whereas the TAO BAMBOO stool has a woody appearance and is made of bamboo and will cost you about $70. The bamboo is water and mold resistant, but the plastic stool is more suitable for a family with kids.
Click here to compare the differences.
Positive Reviews
- Mimics a squatting position without the strain on the body
- Help to alleviate bowel movements issues as well as hemorrhoids, pelvic issues, and more
- Helps to get the job done right the first time and avoid a second trip to the bathroom to get the rest out
- Stools are modern and fit into any bathroom decor
- Easy to clean and maintain
- Easy to use
- Easy to store away when not in use with their handy curve that fits around the toilet
- Buy from a family owned business based out of the U.S.A
- Stools are strong and durable
- Receiving a lot of positive reviews on Amazon
- Guaranteed to help you with your bathroom issues
Negative Reviews
- The Squatty Potty stools cost more than your average stool
- Squatty Potty will not create the urge to go to the bathroom – it will just help you when there is an urge
- If you have knee problems, it may irritate them
Where Can You Buy The Squatty Potty Stool?
I have seen Squatty Pottys for sale on Amazon as well as the Squatty Potty website. I’ve also seen it for sale in some local bed and bath stores, but at a much higher cost than on the website. On the website, you can buy more than one stool and get a savings of a few dollars while doing so.
There is a 2 month guarantee from the official website with your purchase of a Squatty Potty. Having 60 days to try out the stool and see if it is effective for you is plenty of time. However, we would recommend to try it out for at least a month and then return it if you do not see results well before the 2 month mark.
Is It Worth The Money?
Why not just buy a regular stool for a few bucks or get a bucket and flip it upside down? Because the Squatty Potty Stool was built with optimal effectiveness in mind. Not only does it straighten out your rectum and allow you to completely empty out your colon without strain, it also fits nicely around your toilet and saves space when you are done with it. Plus, it looks better than a stool or regular step stool.
The bottom line is that squatting is the preferred method of going to the bathroom in many parts of the world, but most of us that use a conventional toilet and have lost our natural ability to squat because we are so used to sitting to do our business. The Squatty Potty Stool allows us to make up for our lack of natural ability of flexibility and strength and still sit on our toilet the way we have become accustomed to.
The feedback on Amazon says it all. The Squatty Potty stool has a 4.3 rating out of 5 with over 500 reviews. The fact is that this stool is working for people and it may work for you. With the money back guarantee, it seems silly not to try something that could benefit you and your health now and in the future.
Click here to purchase or to learn more from the official website.