Short and Long Term Health Benefits Of Krill Oil
With health foods on the rise and the overflowing fast foods of yesterday drying up and diminishing, it’s no wonder that a new form of superfood has found its way into the market in the form of krill oil. It’s not new information that seafood, in particular, is loaded with nutrients and healthy fats your body needs to beat chronic cholesterol problems, and krill oil, like many other fish oils is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Krill are found in the ocean as tiny crustaceans and are most similar to shrimp in shape and activity, and because they live at the bottom of the food chain, this is one source that has yet to be overfished by humans. For an idea of the many advantages that the oil extracted from this small creature can bring to your life, read on below.
Low Contamination Rates
There’s no doubt that seafood is delicious but one of the major problems that people face when it comes to enjoying fish on a regular basis is the amount of mercury and other heavy metals that find their way into your food sources through industries that pollute the environment, such as coal mines. Arctic krill is one type of underwater creature that isn’t affected by large quantities of mercury, because it doesn’t live in the same conditions as many other sea life. This means that you can utilize krill oil without worrying about contaminants that you’re coming in contact with while trying to get healthy, which is one of the primary reasons BioTrust created OmegaKrill 5X in the first place.
Less Is More
Krill oil is a much more powerful nutritional supplement than regular fish oil, or other omega-3 tablets on the market, because of its intense potency.
“Krill oil may be 48 times more potent than fish oil. This means you need far less of it than fish oil, as confirmed by this 2011 study published in the journal Lipids.” – Dr. Mercola
This can make it easier for those who have trouble swallowing pills or taking fish oil by the spoon, because there’s less to swallow without losing any of the benefits. Krill oil has shown proven advantages over high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, high cholesterol, cancer, stroke, and even PMS.
Antioxidant Power
If you’re interested in good health then you’re probably already familiar with antioxidants and how they work. Fish oil, although high in omega-3s, is actually weak in antioxidants, this may be partially due to the fact that it’s a very perishable item because of its oxidation factor. As something oxidizes there’s more chances of free radicals becoming involved. Krill oil is very rish in antioxidants, and can resist the break down and oxidization much more efficiently.
“Free radicals form when your body oxidizes the air that you breathe, breaks down food, or encounters environmental hazards like smoke and radiation. Typically, antioxidants fight only one free radical at a time.” – CNN
One of the most powerful antioxidants on the market is actually called astaxanthin, and this is something that krill oil has in abundance. Antioxidants help protect your cells from the above mentioned free radicals, but unlike other antioxidants around, astaxanthin can actually combat more than one free radical at a time, making it a multitasking agent to have on your side.
Abundance Factor
One problem that is being faced more and more each day is the disappearance of much of the animals and sea life on the planet. As sources of food become depleted, more genetically altered products are appearing on the market to take their places. Human beings can tend to get greedy sometimes in the need for more of everything, but with krill, this isn’t a problem, because it is actually the largest biomass in the world today, and is a hugely sustainable process. Harvesting krill is one area of the fishing industry that doesn’t give worry to the loss of a food source and creature.
A Better Delivery System
As mentioned above, krill oil is chock full of omega-3s, but what sets it apart from other producers of this healthy fatty acid is that the DHA and EPA from this particular oil are attached to phosphatidylcholine, a kind of phospholipid. This difference in structure in comparison to salmon, tuna or other oily fish is that it can actually allow for a much higher aberrancy rate of DHA to your brain. This means you’re getting more out of this product, not only because antioxidants are more potent, which slows the oxidation of EPA and DHA, but because it has more potential for better brain development, as well as effecting your eyesight and heart health.