8 Minutes to Alpha Review – Is Craig Ballantyne’s Program Any Good?
The promise of boosting your T levels naturally is appealing, which is why we decided to do an 8 Minutes to Alpha review. Most of us know that T levels are going to decrease as we age, and that with that comes a whole host of issues that no man wants to deal with. If Craig Ballantyne can help boost levels naturally through diet and exercise, and give us back the health that we had when we were younger, then it is definitely worth a closer look.
What Is This All About?
8 Minutes to Alpha is about doing things correctly in a way that benefits a man, not a woman. For instance, eating the right way and exercising the right way can really benefit a man and his T levels, while eating the way a woman eats and exercising the way a woman exercises can do damage to his T levels. This program shows you how to do it the right way and warns against doing things the wrong way (details here).
Craig talks about how following a diet for women can emasculate you. That is an extreme way to say it, but if you think about it, that is kind of the truth. When your levels of testosterone go down, you get stubborn fat, experience more moodiness, lose confidence, have a decreased sex drive, and have problems focusing. All of those things can make you feel like less of a man, which is why boosting your T levels and keeping them high is important for good health and happiness.
How It Works
The program will teach you not only how to boost your T levels, but also how to lose weight, gain confidence, gain energy, and feel great overall. You will not experience starvation that normally comes with a diet or have to work through intense exercises that many exercise programs recommend. In fact, the food is plenty and the exercise is not hard at all – hence the 8 minutes part of the program – please see details here (opens in new window).
You will also get a few bonuses with the main part of the program, including:
- Movement Boost: This is going to give you the visual aid you need to do the morning exercises (that take less than 6 minutes), which are going to boost your metabolism. These are called ‘alpha movements’ in the program. Seeing them done correctly can make the difference between success and no success.
- Banish Man-Eating Chemicals Guide: Do you know what chemicals are eating away your manhood? If you don’t, then you need to read this guide. The truth is that there are chemicals everywhere you look. They are in our food, in our cleaning products, and in the air. If you don’t know which ones are doing real damage to your health, then you are probably affecting your health negatively.
- 7-Day Fast Start Guide: The whole program is instantly downloadable, but it may take you a bit to read the book and learn what you need to do for diet and exercise. This quick start guide will allow you to get started today, even if you don’t want to check out the information in the program until tomorrow. In fact, this guide will help you go through the first week on the program and ensure you get maximum results from your efforts.
About Craig Ballantyne
There are many things that lend credibility to Craig Ballantyne. He has the experience and the education to be a strength and conditioning coach, writer for Men’s Health, and creator of successful programs, such as Turbulence Training. But what really makes Craig stand out from the crowd is the way he lives his life and his mission.
Since this 8 Minutes to Alpha review, I’ve found myself thinking about how he lives his life. For instance, he doesn’t engage in arguments throughout his day, he shows gratitude, he doesn’t let others influence how his day is going to go or what he is going to do, and his mission is to transform the lives of over 1 million people. A man with education, experience, drive, and compassion is a man that deserves to be listened to.
The Good Reviews
- Start boosting your T levels naturally
- No cravings or starvation involved
- Gain more energy and confidence
- Boost your sex drive
- Lose fat faster
- Gain muscle faster
- Exercise is not intense
- Program is made for men specifically
- Created by a man who has the experience, education, and compassion to back up a solid program
- Backed by science and years of research
- Instantly downloadable and you could be starting the program today
The Bad Reviews
- You will have to do the program as described, which means change is a part of the journey
Where To Buy 8 Minutes to Alpha
Craig is selling 8 Minutes to Alpha on the official website (click here to see in new window) that is devoted solely to the program. The cost is $27, and there is no shipping cost because everything is instantly downloadable, including the bonuses.
Keep in mind that one of the bonuses you will get is a one-month subscription to Life Hacks for free. Check it out after you order, and if you don’t want to pay for the second month ($7) then send an email to Craig and let him know that you want to opt-out of the subscription. He says that he sends you an email before the trial period ends, but it is important to remember it and do it yourself just in case you miss the email or get busy with life and don’t check your email.
There is a 60-day money back guarantee. There are no stipulations with this guarantee. If you are not happy with the program, don’t melt off some fat, don’t feel any different, or just don’t like Craig for whatever reason, you can send them an email and get a full refund. Plus you can keep the program and the bonuses that you have bought.
Does it Actually Work?
It has so far… Craig has the experience and education to know how to affect hormones and the male body in a positive way. Moreover, he has the desire to help you experience the results you are looking for.
This is a program that focuses on giving you back your physical and emotional health, and it does so without a starvation diet or an intense workout program. It is definitely worth looking at if you want to stay strong, healthy, and happy.
Click here to visit the official website to purchase or to learn more.